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Shipping Policy

Shipping times vary based on your location and the product(s) purchased. When purchasing multiple products they may be produced and shipped from different providers.

In general:

  • Sales processing takes up to 48 hours,
  • Production takes 2 - 5 days,
  • Delivery
    • USA*, Canada, UK, Germany, Northern Europe / EEFTA**, Europe, and Australia :: 2 - 6 business days.
    • All other countries :: 10 - 30 days.

Delivery times for your order will be provided with your receipt

* Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and unincorporated territories of the United States can take additional 7 – 12 business days.

** Northern Europe includes Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. EFTA states includes Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Iceland.
